I believe in Santa, but I'm also an atheist... So, yeah.... Make sense out of that. :3
Well actually, Toy Day isn't till the 24th, but I heard Hannukah starts Tuesday, so Happy Holidays!
What I've done with my life so far:
Or something like that.... Maybe.
Anywhosies, MIT's Early Action applicants received their responses... I was deferred to Regular Action (bummer), so it was semi-rejection but not full-rejection. Statistically speaking, 97% of deferred applicants don't make it in, so if I do make it in when March comes around, I'm probably going to test my luck of probability with the lottery too.
(The amount of times I've actually read this is kinda sad, actually...)
Hopefuly NYIT and RIT take me in... Otherwise, errr....
Reading comics and watching movies make me feel happy inside.
Cosmo the Spacedog appears in the new issue of Rocket Raccon (2014)... It was adorable.
And now I'll continue to abuse my ability to post to the front page with cat pictures:
Inb4 Santa's not real.
Lovely cats :3
Also, you believe in Santa but is atheist? xD